BSc in Business Administration and Management - MATE Directorate of Education
BSc in Business Administration and Management
BSc in Business Administration and Management
Last modified: 13. March 2025
The aim of the program is to educate experts with high knowledge in economy, social theory science, applied economics and methodology and specialized knowledge to be able to plan and analyze the processes of corporate organizations and institutes, and to control, organize and manage corporate activities and processes, further more they are able to continue their studies on Master courses.
Qualification of the degree:
- level of degree: Bachelor of Science (BA/BSc/BProf);
- qualification: Economist in Business Administration and Management
Length of program: 7 semesters
Work schedule: full-time training (EN,HU), correspondence training (HU)
Financial options: state scholarship or self-financed
Program Leader: Dr. Zoltán Horváth associate professor (Szent István Campus)
Training sites:
- Gödöllő (Szent István Campus)
- Budapest (Buda Campus)
Language of conduction:
- Gödöllő (Szent István Campus): Hungarian, English (only full-time training)
- Budapest (Buda Campus): Hungarian
Optional specializations
Supply Chain Management (SCM; in Hungarian) | Dr. Zita Júlia Fodor associate professor |
full-time and correspondence; Gödöllő, Budapest |
Business Manager (BM; Hungarian, English) | Dr. Zoltán Horváth, associate professor |
full-time and correspondence; Gödöllő, Budapest, Gyöngyös |
Conditions for selecting specialization from 2021/22 academic year onward in ascending order
In in Business Administration and Management program the application period for specialization selection is the end of 3rd semester. The specialization is launched only if the number of applicants reached minimum 15 students. The maximum number of students in a specialization is determined by the program leader, but could not be more than 50.
Criteria taken into account in the ranking of applicants for the specializations in Business Administration and Management program:
- grade point average of 2nd semester;
- professional experience, professional relation (eg. Scientific Students’ Association conference);
- language skills;
Applications for the specialization are assessed by the program leaders or their delegates. A ranking will be established, based on which a decision will be taken to admit or reject applicants to the specialization.
To start the specialization studies, the student shall complete at least 80 credits from semesters 1-4 of the sample curriculum. The minimum of 80 credits shall include the following subjects: Microeconomics, Basics of Business Information Technology, Macroeconomics, Economic Mathematics, Business Statistics, Business Economics and Management, Marketing, Basics of Leadership and Management, Basics of Accounting, General and sector-specific legal knowledge, Finance.
Professional practice
The aim of the company professional practice is to gain a deeper understanding of company operations, to get involved in company management activities and to contribute to solving certain company problems. The duration of the professional practice is in the 4th year (7th semester) is a continuous minimum 13 weeks (65 working days) and a maximum of 15 weeks (75 working days) – 8 hours per day. Its credit value is 30 credits.
Students apply for the company professional practice during the 6th semester of the model curriculum, according to the normal Schedule, with registration in to the e-learning course of professional practice. To start the professional practice, the student shall have completed at least 30 credits from the 5-6th semester of the sample curriculum.
Finding a host company and arranging the professional practice date is basically the student's task, but the leadership of the program - based on their extensive company and organizational contacts - shall actively and effectively help students to find a suitable placement if necessary. The professional practice should take place in a company in the manufacturing, commercial, agricultural, food, services, etc. sector, preferably a profit-oriented company of at least a small size, where the functional areas of the company's operations, or part of them, are already organizationally separate. The professional practice can be carried out in the framework of Erasmus or on the student’s own initiative, abroad or in a non-profit company or organization in their home country.
During the professional practice, the program leaders and/or their delegates shall also visit the host company to help ensure the success of the professional practice. Student shall be assisted/guided by a professional of the host company during their professional practice.
For the duration of the professional practice, students will have access (as usual) to dormitory accommodation.
A written report of the professional practice shall be prepared. Acceptance of the report is a condition for recognition of the professional practice. The report is graded by the program leader on a three-grade scale (excellent (5), satisfactory (3), failed (1)). Successful completion of the professional practice is a prerequisite for entering the final examination. In case of late submission or rejection of the report, the professional practice shall be repeated.
For working students studying in correspondence schedule, their job can be accepted as professional practice. (Of course, in such cases, they shall also apply and register for the professional practice by the given deadline and submit the written report (and evaluation form!)
According to Article 44 (1) a) of Act CCIV of 2011 on National Higher Education (Nftv.), students who are obliged to do a professional practice may work on the basis of a student employment contract concluded with the professional practice host company. As the length of a continuous professional practice exceeds six weeks, the student is entitled to a fee for the duration of the professional practice. The minimum rate of remuneration is determined by Section 44 (3) a) of the Nftv., which is at least sixty-five percent of the mandatory minimum wage (minimum wage). The student's fees are paid to the student by the Collaborating Partner. Pursuant to Section 44 (3a) of the Nftv., student professional practices organized as part of the training program at a budgetary body may take place without a work contract and without remuneration. Pursuant to Section 44 (3b) of the Nftv., if the student does his/her professional practice with the employer where he/she is already employed, a separate student employment contract is not required.
For the Bachelor of Business Administration and Management, detailed requirements for enrolment and completion of a professional practice in a company, the necessary forms and the relevant deadlines can be found in the university e-learning system, in a course of „ - 7th semester Professional practice information - BA in Management and Business Administration”.
The student contact person for practical matters:
- for Hungarian programs: Dr. Beatrix Turzai-Horányi senior lecturer (turzai horanyi.beatrix@uni;
- for English programs: Dr. Olga Schuck-Markó senior lecturer (marko.olga@uni
Skills and professional competences acquired on completion of the program
A graduate with a bachelor's degree in Business and Management will be able to:
- plan, organize, manage and control economic activities, projects, small businesses and business organizations;
- explore, organize and analyze facts and basic relationships using the theories and methods learnt, draw independent conclusions, make critical comments, prepare proposals for decisions, and make decisions in routine and partly unfamiliar - national and international - contexts;
- follow and interpret global economic and international business trends, changes in economic policy and related policies and legislation relevant to the field, and their effects, and take them into account in their analyzes, proposals and decisions;
- to determine the complex consequences of economic processes and organizational events;
- apply economic problem-solving techniques and problem-solving methods, taking into account the conditions and limitations of their application;
- cooperate with representatives of other disciplines;
- to participate in projects, group tasks, to lead, organize, evaluate and control activities after gaining practical knowledge and experience;
- after gaining practical knowledge and experience, manage a small or medium-sized enterprise or a department in a large business organization;
- to present professional proposals and opinions, professionally formulated from a conceptual and theoretical point of view, orally and in writing, in Hungarian and in a foreign language, according to the rules of professional communication;
- at least intermediate level in a professional foreign language.
Conditions of obtaining pre-degree certificate (absolutorium)
- completion of: all the compulsory subjects of the program, the subjects of the chosen specialization, the required number of optional credits according to the curriculum and the number of credits for the preparation of the thesis, for a total of 180 credits;
- completion of a 30-credit professional practice.
Final exam
Conditions to attend final exam:
- obtained pre-degree certificate (absolutorium);
- submission of thesis and its acceptance by reviewers;
- the student shall not be in debt to the University.
Parts of final exam:
- thesis defense;
- comprehensive complex exam (A- and B-list of questions).
Field of knowledge and subjects of final exam from 2021/22 academic year:
- A-list of topics: basic economic knowledge and basic business knowledge (accounting, marketing, management and HR-management)
- B-list of topics: complex business skills (management, production management, strategic and business planning, marketing management, corporate law and logistics management)
Evaluation of final exam and qualification of degree from 2020/21 academic year
Accordingly, to chapter 4.3.16 Final exam and chapter 4.3.17. Degree certificate.