Neptun contact details and error reporting

Error reporting

Last modified: 26. January 2023


General info and error report: 
Student ID: 
Educational issues: Study Office

To avoid abuse and to ensure accurate identification in NEPTUN TR, please include the identifiers below in your email: Name and Neptun code, place of training, degree course, work schedule.

If you have forgotten your password or it does not work, please contact your local registrar's office, the ROs have the right to reset your password and can verify the identity of the person requesting the password change.

Error reporting

In case of content errors (everything that happens inside Neptune, after login), please describe where and during what operation you detected the error (attach a screenshot if possible), and if possible, briefly describe how to reproduce the error (if not clear).

Report content errors here:

In case of operational problems, server unavailability, etc., please, specify the address, operation system and browser you have used to access the service. If possible, please attach a screenshot of the error message.

Report operational errors here:​​​​​​​